This year’s Christmas Drive will take place on the morning of Saturday 14th December, starting at 10am. A buffet lunch and draw will follow, the draw taking place around lunchtime.
It’s an annual fun-filled gathering for all club members along with their partners and friends. All can participate in a number of fun events, featuring games such as “playing with the wrong hand”, “playing with others members bowls”, and “holding a bag whilst playing”, amongst others (there can be forfeits for any misdemeanours).
All fun to watch for those playing and those who are spectating!

Members are asked to bring buffet food to share and this will serve as their rink fee. However, members can just come along for the buffet and draw but anyone not bringing food will be asked to pay a £3.00 rink fee.
There will be a list for people to sign up for playing and also to say what food they plan to bring. Draw tickets are £1.00 per number; envelopes are provided for the money.
If you are able to donate a prize for the raffle draw (preferably with a Christmas theme), this would be very much appreciated – thank you.
Please come along if you can, the more the merrier!