Constitution and Rules
Dawlish and District Indoor Bowling Association Ltd
The Dawlish and District Indoor Bowling Association Ltd, (hereafter called the Association) was formed in 1971. The Memorandum and Articles of Association may be seen by arrangement with the Association Secretary.
The Constitution and Rules (2019 Amendment) in PDF
The Constitution and Rules (2019 Amendment) Contents List in PDF
Page 1.
Constitution and Council of Management
Page 2.
The Council
The Company Annual General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting (Club AGM)
Page 3.
Voting at meetings
Officers appointed by the Council, their rights and duties.
Election of a member to Life Membership
Changes to the Constitution and/or Rules
Mens’ and Ladies’ Section Committees (continued on Page 4)
Page 4.
Selection Committees
Duties of League Secretaries (also see Appendix E on page 10)
Rink Reservations (also see Appendix D on page 10)
Roll-ups (also see Appendix F on page 10)
Page 5.
Facilities for members
Conditions of membership
Page 6.
Conditions of membership continued
Opening and Closing times
Firing shots
Page 7.
Conduct of Members
Appendix A (note on duties in team games)
Page 8.
Appendix A continued
Appendix B (Roll-up sessions)
Appendix C (Rules for Mens’, Ladies’ & Mixed Leagues)
Page 9.
Appendix C continued
Page 10.
Appendix D (Rules for National and County Competitions)
Appendix E (The duties of League Secretaries)
Appendix F (The duties of roll-up stewards)
Any person who wishes to play indoor bowls, and who supports the objectives of the Association, is eligible to apply for membership. The Association has a non-discrimination policy in respect of nationality, colour, religion or other beliefs, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or ethnicity. The three membership categories are Junior, Full and Life Membership. Except for Life Members an annual subscription is payable and it is the only recurring financial liability of membership. In the event of the Association being wound up, or dissolved, a single levy not exceeding £1 may be required from each member of any category, as well as from every person who was a member of any category within the preceding year.
The club is of a non-profit making nature and any surplus income or gains will be reinvested in the club. Any surplus income or club assets cannot be distributed, in cash or kind, to members or third parties. In the event of the dissolution of the club for any reason, any Assets will not be disposed of to the benefit of members, but shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body, as determined by a General Meeting of its members, and to comply with existing legislation. The main objectives of the Association are to provide facilities for indoor bowls and to promote and encourage participation in the game of bowls. To carry on business as promoters and operators of such indoor bowls facilities. To meet its objectives the Association rents premises and supplies everything reasonably necessary to function as an indoor bowling club; together with such ancillary facilities and services that it chooses to provide. The club premises will normally be open from late September until the end of the following April for the winter season. Dates and times for the summer season will be made known on Club notice boards towards the end of the winter season.
The Association is solely responsible for all expenses connected with the operation of the Club, which are incurred with its approval, and in accordance with the byelaws and rules. This includes the engagement and payment of staff.
The authority of the Council is required before any member may place an order for goods or services, or otherwise incur expenditure on behalf of the Association. For day-to-day running of the club the Association Secretary or the Association Treasurer each have discretion to approve smaller items of expenditure, but major items of expenditure must be approved by the Council. Some individual members may also have discretion to spend on routine items, but they must have prior permission of the Council to exercise such discretion.
A Council of Management (hereafter called The Council) is responsible for-
- All policy matters and the business activities of the Association.
- The overall organisation of bowls, playing facilities and services.
- The approval of byelaws and rules, including amendments to them. and their rescindment.
- The setting up, definition of powers and operation of committees.
- Deciding the level of membership and the amount of the annual subscription.
- The regulation of members’ behaviour and activities.
- Fixing of charges to be made for facilities, and the price of services provided by the Association.
- Deciding action on all matters not provided for in this document