Voting at meetings will be indicated by a show of’ hands unless the Chairperson directs otherwise. When there are an equal number of votes, for and against, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote. The Chairperson’s declaration of the result of voting at the time is final, and subsequent entry in the Minute Book, signed by the Chairperson of the meeting, shall be conclusive evidence of the terms of any resolution and whether or not it was passed.
Officers appointed by the Council are authorised to exercise such powers of management as they deem to be necessary to ensure that the Association functions legally and efficiently in accordance with the byelaws and rules. The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer have the right to attend meetings of all committees except those concerned with team selections.
By a majority vote of at least two thirds, at a General Meeting, a Full Member may be elected a Life Member; in recognition of special service to the Association. Thereafter that member will be entitled to all the privileges of membership without paying a subscription.
Changes to Constitution and/or Rules
The Council will review the need to publish a revised version of the Constitution and/or Rules from time to time.
Proposals by members to change anything in the Constitution and for Rules, but excluding the appendices, must be dealt with at a General Meeting of the Association. Details of a proposed change must be submitted to the Association Secretary, in writing; signed by the proposer and seconder; at least twenty-eight days before the meeting date. Such proposals must be included as a resolution in the Agenda for the General Meeting. To be successful the resolution must be passed by a majority vote of at least two thirds of the members who are eligible to vote, and are present at the meeting.
Changes to information in the appendices may be proposed by Section Committees and implemented by the Council without further reference or consultation.
Proposals by the Council to change anything in the Constitution and Rules will be notified to the appropriate committees, so that members can consult, and their views he taken into account before changes are introduced. A member of another indoor bowls club who holds any office or committee appointment in that club may not be appointed to any official position or as a member of a committee in the Dawlish Association. No Council or committee member of the Dawlish Association may continue in that appointment if he/she takes any official position in the organisation of another indoor bowls club.