Lockers may be hired by members for personal use at a modest charge, Set by the Council. The Membership Secretary deals with applications for locker accommodation.
A letter rack is provided for Association Officers to deposit correspondence for members to collect, and for members to leave addressed envelopes for collection. Urgent and personal correspondence will normally be handed to members or posted to their home address.
Club telephone number is 01626 863584. A book nearby lists member’s name. address and telephone number. An honesty box is provided; please pay a reasonable sum for your call. Calls which are strictly club business do not require a payment.
The provision of refreshments, tea and coffee, for matches, is organised through a rota of all members, men and women. The Ladies’ Section Committee draws up the rota.
Association regalia are available to members.
Members may display “For Sale” notices provided they use postcards for the purpose and seek permission from a member of the Council, who will sign the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Association premises may be hired by bowling clubs and organisations connected with bowling activities for events organised for the benefit of their members. A representative of the managing body of the club, or organisation should make enquiries, to the Match Secretary of the Association.
A suggestion box is available at the club at the end of Rink I for members use, Constructive comments are welcome and will be considered by Council providing they are signed.
A maintenance schedule book is provided for members to record any building or equipment maintenance requirements that they consider essential. Entries will be considered by Council and suitable action taken.
All bowlers are welcome at the Club. However, there are difficulties of access and facilities for wheelchair bowlers. Visiting wheelchair bowlers should receive warning of this so that the difficulties are overcome as far as possible.
Subject to observing Association byelaws and rules, every member is entitled to use the club and all the facilities therein. In addition, every member who has paid the current year’s subscription, and is not a debtor to the Association in any respect, is entitled to vote at General Meetings.
Membership is open to the whole community and the Club actively promotes participation in bowls, and provides coaching for all levels of skill, from beginner onwards. New applicants are accepted at a Council meeting and will only be refused for exceptional reasons. New members are encouraged to take part in play at whatever level they commence, and helped to improve, by coaching and/or playing in competitive games.
The candidate must provide the information required on the application form and sign an undertaking to observe and comply with the rules and byelaws of the Association if accepted.
Any new member serves a probationary period equal to the duration of the year in which he/she joins. A candidate for membership of the Association must be proposed by an existing member and seconded by another. An application from a former member who owes money to the Association, or from a former member who was asked to resign. or from a candidate who has had an earlier application refused, is unlikely to succeed, if the candidate is advised of acceptance, or provisional acceptance, as a member. he/she will be invited to pay the annual subscription, and joining fee, and enjoy the benefits of membership immediately. In the event of not being accepted, the candidate will be informed, and if a subscription has been paid provisionally. it will be refunded. If the membership of the Association is fully subscribed the name of each successful candidate will be recorded on a waiting list.
If a former member applies to return, and is accepted, within five years of leaving, he/she will not be required to pay the joining fee.
A member may resign at any time by letter addressed to the Association Secretary and that member’s subscription will be refunded in proportion to the length of that year’s membership. If a member is asked to resign by the Council, a proportion of the annual subscription may be refunded, at the discretion of the Council.
Every candidate’s name and address will be displayed on a club notice board, for at least two days, before the Council considers membership. At the discretion of the Council enquires may be made at any other bowls club at which the applicant is, or was, a member.
Members should notify any change of name or permanent address to the Membership Secretary promptly, so that records can be amended to comply with the Company Act: and the information in the book of members’ details (by the telephone) can be kept up to date.