Annual subscriptions are due and payable by l August each year. The Membership Secretary will write to members at their last recorded address before 1st August to notify the rate of subscription, to give information about any administrative changes for the new season (including changes for competitions and other games) and to invite members to renew their membership. Until the subscription is paid, and after 1st October, former members will have no right to play bowls or use club facilities except as an invited guest.
The membership of anyone who owes money to the Association will be reviewed if payment is not made by any date notified in writing to that member.
Any member who owes money to the Association will not be invited to renew their membership. However, if such a member asks for his/her membership to be renewed the Council will consider the request and may approve it (but will not be obliged to do so) if the debt is cleared by a payment of the amount outstanding plus a penalty charge of £5.
OPENING AND CLOSING TIMES Club premises will open no earlier than 9am and will close no later than 11.30pm except on special occasions or when it is necessary to complete competitions or special matches.
Juniors (less than eighteen years of age) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or a qualified coach and/or an adult club member, subject to compliance with the Safeguarding regulations.
No Animals of any kind, other than dogs, will be allowed into club premises. Dogs are to be leached and not to enter the rink area, kitchen or upon any furnishings. Should a dog become a nuisance it is to be removed from the premises by authority of the senior member present such as the Steward of the day, Officer or a Member of Council.
The Association will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property, clothing or articles taken into or left in club premises, nor for any injury sustained by any person whilst using the premises or facilities. This includes personal effects in the lockers hired by members.
DRESS Members’ dress and that of their guests must be clean, neat and tidy. For bowls matches the type, style and colour of clothing specified by Section committees or in competition rules must be observed. Every player must wear an approved style of bowling footwear when on the rinks and should avoid treading on rink surfaces when not playing bowls.
Food, drink and other liquids of any sort are banned on the rinks. Running is not allowed. Smoking in any part of the club is forbidden.
Notice of intention to deliver a firing shot must be given to all players who might be affected. This will minimise disruption to play on other rinks and reduce the risk of injury.