Substitutes will be allowed, and they may play for any number of teams throughout the season, but only for one team on three occasions. A list of the substitutes available will be on the notice board and must be selected from that list. Over 55 team substitutes must be over 55 years old on the preceding FIRST of October.
Not more than two substitutes will be allowed in a Fours or Triples match and only one in a Pairs match. In the case of a Mixed Triples match, the substitute can be of either sex but the team must still be mixed. Substitutes are not allowed to skip except in Pairs matches. If a team uses an ineligible substitute and wins a match the opposing team will be awarded two points and five shots. If both teams include ineligible substitutes, no points or shots will be awarded to either side.
If a member of a team has to permanently leave a team, then, with the prior consent of the Section Secretary, a replacement can be included for the rest of the season.
If a Fours is one player short the game may be played but the score of the deficient team will be reduced by 25% to determine the result of the match. All fractions in the calculation will be rounded up, ie, scores of 9, 10, 11 or 12 would be reduced by three. Full rink fees will be payable. In any other case of team shortages the fixture should not be played.
All fixtures must be played on the date and at the time shown in the fixture list unless the Section Secretary, in exceptional circumstances, allows a match to be rearranged. The official start of matches will be determined by reference to the club clock. If a team withdraws from a league during the season, the results of all matches played by that team will be deleted from the league records.
Trial Ends are NOT permitted.
Mixed and Mens’ Pairs Matches will be played at the time stipulated in the fixture list: the last jack to be delivered no later than five minutes before the scheduled time for the completion of the session. If the session following a league slot is empty, the time restriction does not apply, nor does it apply to matches played in the last slot of the day.
Mens’ Fours and Mixed Fours will be a maximum of 21 ends, and Triples a maximum of 18 ends.
Score cards must be fully completed, showing the league concerned, the date, the teams number or letter, the names of all players and, if a substitute is used, the substitute’s name followed by “sub”. Incomplete cards will not be included for point in the league tables.
At the end of the match, scorecards, signed by the losing Skip, must be placed in the boxes provided.
Matches not played
If both teams default, the match shall be considered played with no points or shots being awarded to either side. The skips of each team will be responsible for paying to the Treasurer the amount of green fees lost through the match not being played.
If a fixture is not played, due to the non-appearance of one team, a walkover should be claimed by the other team’s Skip, who will mark the scorecard “Walkover Claimed”. The league secretary will award two match points and five shots to the defaulter’s opponents. The defaulting team will lose five shots and the defaulting skip will be liable for the green fees of both teams.
Each week the League Secretary must notify the Treasurer or Cashier of the defaulting Skips concerned and the amount owed. The Treasurer will place a demand for payment within 14 days, in envelopes addressed to the Skips, on the club correspondence board.
If in any of the above cases the Skip concerned has not responded within 14 days, the Council of Management must be informed.
Any rink reserved for a league fixture, which is not played, may become available, if none of the players for the planned game wishes to use it.
The Skip is responsible for the management of his/her team at all times, which includes ensuring that the team is available to fulfil all fixtures at the appointed time on the correct date. If the opposing Skip agrees, a Skip who is able to make up his/her deficient team with eligible players, within fifteen minutes of the scheduled start of a fixture, may do so.