There were a total of 22 visitors of all ages who came to our club for the annual ‘Taster Day’, which was an encouraging number.
Development Officer, Sue Worthington, in charge of the event, had to do some impressive fast thinking on the day as two of her coaching staff went down with heavy colds.
The club were accordingly most grateful to members Tina Rowe & Chris Swain, who are currently undergoing coaching training, together with Maddy and Myles Pyper, Stephanie Cheshire, Colin Parker, Fred Baker and Paul & Tina Lawrence, for stepping up to the plate! Secretary, Jillian Barrington-Best and Sue were on duty welcoming guests and recording them for potential membership or coaching.

Of the 22 who visited the club 4 signed up to become members, and an additional 4 signed up for future coaching sessions – all in all an excellent result!